Day 02 - A picture of you and the person you have been close with for a while.
Anne and I met in Ron Eydt Village, one of the residences at the
University of Waterloo, through a common friend. Anne is kind, firm,
caring, likes to cook, and plays video games. My first impression of
Anne was being annoyed that she was in a non-co-op program; illustrating
my initial narrow-mindedness about people at Waterloo. She helped me
learn to value the differences between people, and a million other
things that I can’t put into words very well. Over time we’ve learned a
lot about each other, and I’m glad that we’re still good friends today.
I also don’t know where this picture is from. I’m sure Anne has a stash
of pictures of the two of us (somewhere), but I don’t personally have
any photos of the two of us. I had to ask her for this one. >.>